Our cultural activities have been focused heavily on the food this week, for which I have been thankful. We had a Turkish cooking lesson at a local restaurant on Monday and last night headed back out to the coast for a seaside fish dinner. Some great food all around. Unfortunately my camera batteries were dead on Monday so I can only treat you to one picture of me in a hairnet provided by my classmate Lorena. Luckily there are a few more of the most complete fish dinner I have ever eaten. They listened to us this week about how tired we all are from the packed schedule so there has finally been some time off to relax and catch up on our school work. This weekend we have a two-day trip to a center of some local hot springs and an old Greek settlement so I will be out of internet range and unable to post until Monday. Fortunately, the pictures should be worth it. For now, here's a taste of the local cuisine.
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